受虐繁殖喵看到人就「害怕失禁」 1年後「終於相信愛」學會翻肚討摸摸



▼這些貓咪被救出後,送到了寄養家庭或收容所。Angie則由寄養媽媽Fiona Loh帶回家照料。過往的經歷太痛苦,Angie短時間內無法走出陰影,每次有人靠近,牠都會嚇得低吼,然後快速跑走。如果人們靠得太近,牠還會緊張到失禁。



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We have more progress with Angie! She now enjoys cuddles and lets me trim her nails with no fuss! She’s also been braver and is no longer afraid of tubes and sticks! (Remember how she would smack the Ciao Chu Ru tube treat even though she loves it so much?) She was also observed to play with a feather stick toy on her own. She still hisses at The Husband at times though. She seems to be more afraid of men. What kind of emotional torture she went through in that breeder’s hellhole? In any case, she has become significantly braver. At least she no longer runs away from The Husband, just very wary of him. Her AC @charlenechua_ac gifted her a crystal pet charm which is supposed to boost her self-confidence, and to “up one level”, I gave her one of Xeno’s old collar. Hopefully the baby Xeno vibes would rub off on her too. Just a little more rehabilitation and I reckon Angie would be ready for rehoming. Yeay! . Fun Fact: Angie was recently featured on @thedodo and @ettodaytw. Thank you for the lovely write-up about the hurt and pain backyard breeders cause to the poor animals! . @ling.m.choo #SavingTheSiameses #AngieOfTheSTS #Angie美美 . #CatRescue #CatRehabilitation #AdoptionSavesLives #catwelfaresociety #sgcats #catsofsingapore #singaporecats #sgpets #catsg #cotwsg #catsofsg #clubpetsmag #petsmagazinesg #hdbcats #singaporepets #supportadoptionsg #catsofinstagram #CatFollowers #FurrendsUpClose #TheDodo #TheAnimalRescueSite #catloverssingapore #diply #catloverssingapore #singaporepets #sengkangcats #catsofigsg #ettoday #ettodaypets @ettodaypets

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