
個人狀態欄 (俘虜部分):鼠標點擊人物出現

1 Overview(總觀):Displays biography and current needs.(顯示該人物的傳記和現時的需求。)
Activity(行動):The current needs of an individual usually determine their activity.(人物現時的需求通常決定了他們的行動。)
Birthplace(出生地):May affect opinion based on your relations therewith.
Nationality(國籍):May affect opinion based on your relations therewith.

Grub(飽食度):Gratification rises while captives eats.(當俘虜們吃飽了就會感到滿足。)
Sleep(睡眠):Gratification rises while captives sleeps at a bunkhouse,stockade or on the ground.(當俘虜們有足夠的睡眠,他們的滿意度就會提高,他們可以睡在簡陋屋,俘虜拘留營,甚至睡在地上。)
Escape Risk(逃脫的意向):Captives are more likely to try escapling when their satisfaction levels are very low.(當俘虜們的滿意度很低的時候,他們就會嘗試逃跑。)

2 Resignation(順從):Displays resignation,which changes slowly over time.(顯示俘虜的順從度,這會隨着時間的流逝慢慢改變。)
Order(秩序):Captives best in orderly zone & pirates prefer anarchy.(在有秩序的區域里俘虜們最乖最聽話,而海盜們則喜歡呆在混亂的區域里。)
Fear(畏懼):A full,green bar means the captive is suitably afraid;Captives who are afraid are less likely to escape or revolt.(當俘虜們對您充滿畏懼的時候,Fear狀態條就是綠色的,滿值的;當俘虜們心中充滿畏懼,他們就不會逃跑或者反抗。)

Feasting(食物):Satisfaction with food,starving captives will escape or revolt.Determined by availability of corn or slop at worksite or the stockade.(對食物的滿意度,飢餓的俘虜會逃跑或反抗;這個狀態條由可用的玉米或粗食決定,通常由他們的工作地方或者俘虜拘留營提供。)
Resting(休息):Satisfaction with rest,lack of sleep leads to escape or revolt.Determined by access to bunkhouse or open ground.(對休息的滿意度,缺少睡眠的俘虜會逃跑或者反抗;由簡陋屋的剩餘位置決定:就是說,如果你的簡陋屋沒有空餘的位置給多餘的俘虜們休息,這個狀態條就會下降。不過,他們也可以睡在空地上,當然,效果差些。)
Religion(宗教,信仰):Satisfaction with religion,lack of consolation leads to escape or revolt.Determined by access to a church and the skill of the priest.(對於宗教的滿意度,缺少神父安慰的俘虜會決定逃跑或者反抗;當俘虜們到教堂去祈禱的時候,這個值就會上升,上升的多寡由神父的技能等級決定。)
Overall Resignation(總觀):這個狀態條越高越好,低了的話俘虜們通常會逃跑或者反抗!

3 Job & House(工作和住房):Displays job and home sites.(顯示工作和住房信息。)
Only pirates own Homes(只有海盜才有自己的住房):Captives do not own homes,but seek shelter according to their work rules.Wealthy captives stay in hotels.(俘虜們沒有自己的房子,他們會把工作地當作家;富有的俘虜則呆在酒店里。)

4 Skills(技能):Display pirate and captive skills.(顯示海盜或者俘虜們的技能信息)
Courage(勇氣):Courage is a measure of how readily this person will initiate rebellious action. Courage also affects morale during all combat.(勇氣值高的俘虜比較沒那麼容易服帖,容易反抗;勇氣值還影響戰鬥中的士氣。)
Leadership(領導能力):Leadership is a measure of how well this person affects others. It affects morale,expanding rebellion,and coordination of missions.(領導能力高的人更容易影響其他人;士氣,造反活動的擴大以及進行任務時的協調性都與這個值有關。)


5 Thoughts:俘虜或者海盜們的想法,是隨機的。看看他們在抱怨什麼,或者對什麼感到滿意,你甚至可以以此來制定自己的統治方針。


個人狀態欄 (海盜部分):鼠標點擊人物出現

1 Overview(總觀):Displays biography and current needs.(顯示該人物的傳記和現時的需求。)
Activity(行動):The current needs of an individual usually determine their activity.(人物現時的需求通常決定了他們的行動。)
Birthplace(出生地):May affect opinion based on your relations therewith.
Nationality(國籍):May affect opinion based on your relations therewith.
Rank:(等級):Pirates increase in rank as they gain gold. A pirate’s rank affects level-of-service expectations.(海盜的等級跟他掙的金錢的多少有關,高等級的海盜對服務的要求也就越高。)
Purse(積蓄):How much gold this pirate has in purse.(看看他的錢包里現在有多少錢?)

Grub(飽食度):Gratification rises while pirate eat.(當海盜吃飽了就會增加。)
Sleep(睡眠):Gratification rises while pirate sleep at home.(當海盜在家睡了個好覺就增加。)
Betting(賭博):Gratification rises while pirate gambles.(海盜們賭博娛樂之後就增加。)
Grog(喝烈酒):Gratification rises while pirate drinks.(海盜們喝完酒就會增加。)
Wenches(妓女):Gratification rises while pirate wenches.(找完女人就會增加。:-))
Hoard(收藏):Gratification rises while pirate stashes money at home.(當海盜在家收藏好自己的金錢之後就增加。)

2 Happiness:快樂等級
Feasting(食物):Happiness with feasting:requires access to eatery,dive,travern,or inn.Determined by quality and variety of food, and skill of cook.(通過訪問餐館等地方提高這個快樂等級,快樂程度增加的多少取決於食物質量和數量的多寡,還有廚師的技能等級。)
Resting(休息):Happiness with resting:requires access to ship or home.Determined by the quality of the pirate’s home compared to the pirate’s level.(在住所或者船上睡覺可以提高這個快樂等級,重要的一點是高等級的海盜需要有相應等級的住所。)
Gambling(賭博):Happiness with gambling:requires access to pit,den,or casino.Determined by quality of gambling,the skill of the servers,and availability of cigars.(通過訪問鬥獸場,賭場和高級賭場可以提高這個快樂等級,增加的多少取決於賭博場所的質量,賭場服務員的技能等級,還有可供消費的雪茄數目。)
Drinking(飲酒):Happiness with drinking:requires access to eatery,dive,tavern or inn.Determined by quality and variety of drinks,and skill of server.(通過訪問小型餐館,低級酒館和酒店可以提高這個快樂等級,增加的多少取決於飲品的數量和質量,還有服務員的技能等級。)
Wenching(妓女):Happiness with wenching:requires access to brothel,wench,or courtesan.Determined by quality of establishment,skill of wench/courtesan,and availability of cigars.(通過訪問低級妓院,妓院和高級妓院來提升快樂等級,提升的多少跟妓院的數量,妓女的技能等級以及可提供的雪茄數量有關。)
Stashing(收藏):Happiness with stashing:requires access to home and extra gold.Determined by how much gold the pirate has stashed compared to his desired savings.(在家里收藏多餘的金錢,提升的程度跟該海盜擁有的金錢和他所希望收藏的金錢數目有關。)
Overall Happiness(總體的快樂程度):Happy pirates will not mutiny or rebel. (快樂的海盜不會造反和叛變!)

3 Politics(政見):Displays nationality and faction membership.(顯示國籍和成員派系)
Factions(派系):Faction membership reflects a pirate’s personal &#118alues,and influences their opinion of you.(不同派系的成員會展示不同的價值觀,同時還會影響他們對你的統治手段的看法。)
(1)Literati(文人派系):The Literati are learned pirates who love life’s comforts.The quality of their homes is very important.(屬於這個派系的海盜們都熱愛舒適的生活,住房的質量是他們最關心的問題!)
(2)Gentry(貴族派系):The Gentry are pirates from the upper classes.They tastes in entertainment are more refined.(這個派系的海盜們來自上層社會,他們最關心的是優雅的娛樂服務!)
(3)Hedonists(享樂主義派系):The Hedonists are pirates who can’t live life too fully.They want it all:grub,grog,wenches and games.(享樂主義者不會讓自己的生活過得很實在,他們總是注重今朝有酒今朝醉,喜歡所有能讓他們快樂的東西:食物,烈酒,妓女和賭博!)

4 Job & Home(工作和住房):Displays job and home sites.(顯示工作和住房信息。)
Job:Working/No work.(有工作的或者失業的)

Resting and Stashing:顯示該房屋休息和收藏財寶的等級。

5 Haunts(行蹤):Display recently visited entertainment structures.(顯示該人物最近去過的娛樂設施。)

6 Skills(技能):Display pirate and captive skills.(顯示海盜或者俘虜們的技能信息)

Courage(勇氣):Courage is a measure of how readily this person will initiate rebellious action. Courage also affects morale during all combat.(勇氣值高的俘虜比較沒那麼容易服帖,容易反抗;勇氣值還影響戰鬥中的士氣。)
Leadership(領導能力):Leadership is a measure of how well this person affects others. It affects morale,expanding rebellion,and coordination of missions.(領導能力高的人更容易影響其他人;士氣,造反活動的擴大以及進行任務時的協調性都與這個值有關。)
Notoriety(名聲):Notoriety is a measure of how well-known this pirate is. It affects recruitment,capture rates and quashes mutinies.(惡名遠颺的海盜更容易抓到新的俘虜壯丁,也比較容易壓制船員們的謀反(對船長而言)。)

Swordmanship(劍術技能):Swordmanship is used during boarding attacks.(劍術技能通常用於甲板(肉搏)戰中。)
Marksmanship(射擊技能):Marksmanship is used on boarding and harassment missions.(用於肉搏戰和騷擾任務中。)
Gunnery(炮術):Gunnery is used primarily on pounding and harassment missions.(炮術主要用於海戰中的炮擊和騷擾任務中。)
Navigation(領航技能):Navigation affects how fast you reach your cruising area.(這項技能的高低影響到你到達巡洋目的地的速度快慢。)
Seamanship(操船術):Seamanship controls how likely it is for you to encounter ships successfully.(如果這項技能等級高,那麼在海上會更容易追上發現的「獵物」。)

7 Thoughts:俘虜或者海盜們的想法,是隨機的。
