《COD7》小電腦Cheat Codes


發一個黑色行動里面的小電腦CHEATS:Cheat: Codes

On the Main Menu, alternately tap RIGHT and LEFT triggers (or hold the Space bar on a keyboard). After a bit, you’ll stand up. Leave your seat and examine the back wall. A small black and white computer terminal can be found here. Approach it and enter these codes using the on-screen keyboard in the “Central Intelligence Agency Data System.” (稍微翻譯一下,這個大概誰都懂,遊戲機平台的拚命摁LT RT,PC平台摁住SPACE鍵,MASON就站起來了,到後面的黑白終端電腦里輸入下面的密碼)

DOA – Play the super-awesome top-down Smash TV-style Dead Ops Arcade minigame(街機迷你電視遊戲···死亡行動)
3ARC INTEL – Unlocks all the intel in the game for viewing (Disables Closer Analysis Trophy/Achievement) (解鎖所有INTEL,注意:他會使你無法解開相應的成就)
3ARC UNLOCK – Unlocks all levels and Zombie Mode levels(解開所有等級和殭屍模式等級)
ZORK – Unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (an incredibly great text adventure from 1980) which you can play on the console (!) (偉大的地下王國,一個1980的難以置信的文本冒險)
HELLO SAILOR – Unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (an incredibly great text adventure from 1980) which you can play on the console (!) (這個有些奇怪,跟上面的一樣···)
HELP – Gives you a list of commands to interface with the console — you can check mail messages and perform other mundane functions, some of which are listed below(列出所有命令集)
DIR – Gives a list of audio files and pictures which you can open with the CAT command (eg CAT NoteX.txt)
WHO – Gives a list of login names for use with the RLOGIN function (but they require a password)
RLOGIN – Log in with username and password (full list of logins below)
FOOBAR – Gives a strange message (“Fee Fie Foe Foo!”)
ALICIA – Loads “Alicia,” a virtual therapist


《COD7》小電腦Cheat  Codes

《COD7》小電腦Cheat  Codes
