

1. blended meat products混合肉製品


[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The year 2020 should see the arrival of more blended meat products. In blended burgers, the nonmeat portion may consist of mushrooms, pea protein, potatoes, squash, or carrots, among other plants. Such burgers are lower in fat, cholesterol, and sodium and higher in fiber and essential nutrients than traditional burgers.到2020年,應該會出現更多的混合肉製品。混合漢堡中,非肉類部分可能包括蘑菇、豌豆蛋白、土豆、南瓜、胡蘿卜等植物。與傳統漢堡相比,這種漢堡的脂肪、膽固醇和鈉含量較低,纖維和必需營養素含量較高。

2. flour substitutes麵粉替代品


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One reason flour substitutes rose to prominence is the growing concern about celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Although you may already be familiar with coconut and almond flours, how about flour made from bananas, cashews, dragonfruit, mango, apple, carrots, sweet potato, or peanuts? Cakes, cookies, breads, and more will soon be available using a variety of novel alternative flours.麵粉替代品興起的一個原因是人們越來越擔心乳糜瀉和麩質不耐症。雖然你可能對椰子粉和杏仁粉已經很熟悉了,但是用香蕉、腰果、火龍果、芒果、蘋果、胡蘿卜、甘薯或花生製成的麵粉呢?用各種新奇的替代麵粉製成的蛋糕、餅干、麵包等就要到來了。

3. healthy snacks健康零食

At least one survey says that two-thirds of adults snack at least once a day. Recently it seems that people want healthier snacks, so the industry is meeting that call. One area that is gaining attention is puffed and baked snacks. Another is protein snacks, sometimes plant-based and typically savory and crunchy.不止一項調查顯示,三分之二的成年人每天至少吃一次零食。最近,人們似乎想要更健康的零食,所以食品行業正在響應這一號召。其中一個備受關注的領域是膨化和烘烤零食。還有一種是蛋白質零食,這種零食有時以植物為原料,通常又香又脆。

4. non-alcoholic drinks無酒精飲料


[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Unique non-alcoholic options are popping up everywhere, from menus at the world’s most acclaimed bars to specialty stores. Many of these beverages seek to re-create classic cocktail flavors using distilling methods typically reserved for alcohol, creating an alternative to liquor meant to be used with a mixer rather than a drink on its own. 從世界上最受好評的酒吧菜單到各地特色店的菜單上,獨特的無酒精飲料正在崛起。許多飲料都試圖使用酒精專用的蒸餾方法來重現經典的雞尾酒風味,製造出用來混和而不是單獨飲用的酒精替代品。

5. nootropic foods促智食品

Foods that are healthy for your brain are gaining popularity. Nootropics are drugs or supplements that promise cognitive benefits, and brain-healthy foods have been termed nootropic foods. Many of these foods you may already eat, such as eggs, turmeric, salmon and dark chocolate.對大腦有益的食物現在越來越受歡迎。所謂促智藥就是承諾具有認知益處的藥物或補充劑,而對腦健康有益的食品就被稱為促智食品。其中許多你可能已經吃過,如雞蛋、姜黃、鮭魚和黑巧克力。

6. better frozen foods更好的冷凍食品

A new wave of “real” food meals will be available in the frozen food aisle that are better in flavor and quality, while leaving out unwanted ingredients. They are more nutritious and more varied in cuisines. These frozen meals have organic ingredients, flavors from around the world and contain a lot less salt.冷凍食品區將會出現新一波的”真正”食物,它們的味道與質量都會更好,不含沒必要的調味料。這些冷凍食品更富營養且易於烹飪,不但含有有機成分,而且擁有來自於世界各地的風味,同時鹽含量也少得多。

7. eating at home在家吃飯

More people will be eating at home due to the stabilization of grocery prices along with the rise in prices of dining out. While people still spend half of their food income on eating out, the other half is for food consumed in home. But don’t confuse this with a love of cooking. Many of these meals eaten at home come from meal kits or prepared foods from the supermarket.由於食材價格穩定以及外出就餐費用的上漲,更多人將選擇在家用餐。雖然人們仍會將一半的食物開銷用於外出就餐,但另一半則會用於在家吃飯。不過,請不要將這種做法混淆為對烹飪的熱愛。在家所吃的飯菜中有很多都來自於餐包或超市買的成品。

8. ugly produce醜陋的農產品

Ugly produce is just as nutritious and delicious as its perfect-looking counterparts. Now that consumers are more aware of the problems of food waste, they may seek out imperfect fruits and vegetables that may have gone to waste in the past.外觀醜陋的農產品與其外觀完美的同類產品具有一樣的營養和美味。如今消費者們已更加意識到食物浪費的問題,因此可能會追尋那些在過去或許會被浪費掉的不完美水果和蔬菜。

9. sugar substitutes糖替代品


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We have been gradually moving away from white table sugar and honey and embracing other sweet choices. In 2020, we may see a rise in the use of syrupy reductions from fruits and starches, such as coconut, dates, pomegranates, sorghum, and sweet potatoes.我們已經逐漸遠離蔗糖和蜂蜜,開始接受糖替代品。2020年我們可能會看到人們更多地食用水果和澱粉,如椰子、棗子、石榴、高粱和紅薯等,從而減少糖漿的攝入。

10. Soy-free plant-based foods不含大豆的植物性食物

When plant-based eating first broke into the marketplace, soy was king. Now consumers are looking for soy-free plant-based foods, especially since some people are allergic to or intolerant of soy. The year 2020 should see more soy-free foods made from seeds, mung beans, and other alternatives.當植物性飲食第一次進入市場時,大豆是王者。現在消費者正在尋找不含大豆的植物性食品,因為一些人對大豆過敏或不耐受。到2020年,應該會出現更多的不含大豆的食物,其原料來自種子、綠豆和其他替代品。

