利華 17年12月 1/25 85年Oldsmobile442/FE3-X

發售日期 2017年12月
廠商 利華

1/25 ’85 Oldsmobile® 442/FE3-X Show Car Model Kit

利華 17年12月 1/25 85年Oldsmobile442/FE3-X
Product ID 貨號 : 85-4446
Skill Level 製作難度 : 5
Scale 比例 : 1/25
Length: 7-13/16″
Width: 3″
Height: 2-3/16″
Parts: 零件數 112
Feelin’ alive in 1985

In 1985, Bill Porterfield, Oldsmobile® Future Systems and Technology Engineer, wanted to showcase Oldsmobile’s product performance. His goal was to “outhandle the Corvette®”. The main focus was on the suspension capabilities and aerodynamics of the FE3-X. The FE3-X was a featured car at all the major auto shows around the country, as well as in articles in the major automobile publications. Kit features full FE3-X aero body package, Tampo printed gold line wheels, choice of two wheel sets, chrome plated parts, and soft black tires.
