利華17年6月 1/2700 星戰 殲星艦

發售日期 2017年6月
廠商 利華

Star Wars 1/2700 Imperial Star Destroyer

利華17年6月 1/2700 星戰 殲星艦
Product ID 貨號 : 85-6459
Skill level 製作難度 5
Length: 23-1/16″
Width: 13-7/32″
Height: 5-25/32″
長 585.79 寬335.76 高146.84mm
Parts: 零件數 113
The iron fist of Empire

Capital ships like the Imperial Star Destroyer project the will of the Emperor far beyond Coruscant. Everywhere it goes, the sheer odds against victory dissuade many from attempting to rebel. This intimidation is exactly what the Rebellion aims to end. The vessels may be loaded with turbo lasers, tractor beams, and swarms of fighters… but they aren’t invincible. Kit features display stand and gun positions.
