練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

同一件事竟然可以做16年?外國女孩Leontine van Vliet就真的辦到了!Leontine天生就不是讀書的料,她自己也在努力過程中吃盡苦頭,最後甚至連老師也不再想幫她…她在迷茫地面對著未來時,突然想起自己最愛做的事…

▼Leontine 清楚知道學業不好的話,苦練技術是唯一的出路。於是,她從那天起就開始認真研究繪畫!

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報


練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報


練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報


練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報


練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報


練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報


練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報


練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

▼小時候 VS 長大後的分別!

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報


練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

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How do you PRICE your artwork? One of the subjects you guys suggested me to post about, and definitely a very interesting one as well. So, this is the way I've done it: ✏️✏️✏️ Pricing artwork is the most difficult when you're just starting out. Where do you start? The most important thing is to not start out too expensive. When I started doing commissions I was still practicing, and it was not a real business yet. I asked €10-€30, which is extremely low. That did mean though that I got quite a lot of commissions, which grew my confidence a lot. When I got too many commissions to deal with, I raised the prices. This continued for 4 years, constantly raising until it became a full time business. I am now at the €500-€1000 range. It's been a long road! ✏️✏️✏️ I don't believe in complicated formulas. I believe in following intuition. First, decide what your goal is. Will it be a full time business or just a hobby? How expensive and lightfast are your materials? How many portraits can you do per month? Pick a price you're comfortable with and see how much work you get. It's much better to raise your prices through the years because you get too busy, than having to lower them. Marketing is also very important and should be done well in order for this to work! ✏️✏️✏️ It will take a long time before you make a minimum hourly wage. Sometimes I still make under minimum wage, but sometimes I make far above as well. I charge per portrait size, not per hour. Just because I know that's the most common and I think it's the most fair. You can decide to charge per hour. That's up to you! ✏️✏️✏️ How do you decide your prices? Let me know below! ⬇️ #dog #coloredlencil #arttip #illustrate #petportrait #dogart #commission #instartist

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練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報

練畫技16年「只為畫一匹馬」 23歲少女:辛苦到最後有回報



