《神界3 原罪》道具合成表

武器盾牌類(Weapons & Shields)

  樹枝+樹枝=      木杖 (Branch + Branch = Quarterstaff)
  匕首+樹枝=      矛 (Dagger + branch = spear)
  奶油刀+砧=      長匕首 或 細劍 (Butter Knife + anvil = long dagger or rapier)
  鋼塊+砧=       隨機武器 (Steel Bar + anvil = weapon)
  大鐵塊+砧=      隨機武器 (Large Iron Bar + anvil = weapon)
  大鋼塊+砧=      隨機武器 (Large Steel Bar + anvil = weapon)
  繩子+桶蓋=      盾牌 (Rope + Lid of Barrel = Shield)

弓箭類(Bows & Arrows)

  弓弦+樹枝=      弓   (Bow string + branch = Bow )
  樹枝+刀子=      箭杆  (Branch + Knife = Arrow shaft)
  牙齒+刀子=      箭頭  (Tooth + Knife = Arrowhead)
  鹿角+刀子=      箭頭   (Antlers + Knife = Knockdown arrow head)
  箭杆+任意箭頭=    任意種類的箭矢 (Arrow shaft + any arrow head = Arrow of anykind)
  一般箭矢+元素精粹=  對應元魔法箭矢 (Ordinary Arrow + Earth/Fire/Air/WaterEssence = Magical arrow of some type)
  箭頭+毒藥瓶=     劇毒箭頭 (Arrowhead + Poison Flask = Poison Arrowhead)
  箭頭+地系卷軸=    劇毒箭頭 (Arrowhead + Earth Scroll = Poison Arrowhead)
  箭頭+火系卷軸=    火焰箭頭 (Arrowhead + Fire Scroll = Fire Arrowhead)
  箭頭+氣系卷軸=    暈眩箭頭 (Arrowhead + Air Scroll = Stunning Arrowhead)
  箭頭+水系卷軸=    寒氣箭頭 (Arrowhead + Water Scroll = Chilling Arrowhead)
  箭頭+巫術卷軸=    詛咒箭頭 (Arrowhead + Witchcraft Scroll = Debuff Arrowhead)
  箭頭+水瓶=      水系箭頭 (Arrowhead + Water Flask = Water Arrowhead)
  箭頭+油瓶=      緩速箭頭 (Arrowhead + Oil Flask = Slowdown Arrowhead)
  箭頭+毒藥瓶=     劇毒箭頭 (Arrowhead + Poison Flask = Poison Arrowhead)
  火焰箭頭+毒瓶=    爆炸箭頭 (Fire Arrowhead + Flask of Poison = ExplosiveArrowhead)
  火焰箭頭+油瓶=    黑霧箭頭 (Fire Arrowhead + Flask of Oil = Smokecloud Arrowhead)

  暈眩箭頭+毒藥瓶=   毒雲箭頭 (Stunning Arrowhead +Poison Flask =PoisonCloudarrowhead)
  暈眩箭頭+油瓶=    黑霧箭頭 (Stunning Arrowhead + Flask of Oil = Smokecloud Arrowhead)註:原PO似乎也未實測這項。
  暈眩箭頭+水瓶=    雷雲箭頭 (Stunning Arrowhead + Flask of Water = Static Cloud arrowhead)
  寒氣箭頭+寒氣箭頭=  冰凍箭頭 (Chilling Arrowhead + Chilling Arrowhead = Freezing Arrowhead)


  南瓜+刀子=      南瓜頭盔 (Pumpkin + Knife = Pumpkin helmet)
  水桶=         水桶頭盔 (Bucket = Helmet)
  動物毛皮+刀子=    皮革碎片 (Animal hide + Knife = Leather scraps)
  針線組+2塊碎布=    布甲 (Needle and thread + 2xCloth scraps = Cloth armor)
  皮革碎片+砧=     布甲 (Leather scraps + anvil = Cloth armor)
  布甲+皮革碎片=    皮甲 (Cloth armor + Leather scraps = Leather armor)
  皮甲+零散鱗片=    鱗甲 (Leather armor + Scale scraps = Scale armor )
  金屬碎塊+砧=     金屬甲 (Metal scraps + anvil = Metal armor)
  皮甲+金屬碎塊=    金屬甲 (Leather armor + Metal scraps = Metal armor)
  皮甲+移動式廚房=   該皮甲的鈍器傷害抗性+5%、切割傷害抗性+5% (Leather Armor + Mobile kitchen = crushing resistance +5% and slashing resistance +5%)
  鱗甲+砧=       該鱗甲的鈍器傷害抗性+5%、切割傷害抗性+5% (Scale Armor + Anvil = crushing resistance and slashing resistance +5%)
  金屬甲+砧=      該金屬甲的鈍器傷害抗性+5%、切割傷害抗性+5%、穿刺傷害抗性+5%(Mail Armor + Anvil = crushing resistance, slashing resistance and piercing resistance +5%)


食物類(Foods & Drinks)

  錘子+番茄=      番茄醬 (Hammer + Tomato = Tomato paste)
  錘子+馬鈴薯=     生馬鈴薯片 (Hammer + Potato = cold mashed potatoes)
  小麥+一杯牛奶=    小麥粥 (Wheat + Cup of Milk = Porridge)
  馬鈴薯+一杯牛奶=   馬鈴薯粥 (Potato + Cup of Milk = Porridge with Potato)
  寵物夥伴+乳牛=    一桶牛奶 (Pet Pal + Cow = Bucket with Milk)
  木桶+水井=      一桶水 (Bucket + well = Bucket with Water)
  空杯+柳橙=      柳橙汁 (Empty Cup + Orange = Orange juice)
  空杯+蘋果=      蘋果汁 (Empty Cup + Apple = Apple juice)
  空杯+水=       一杯水 (Empty Cup + Water = Cup of Water)
  空杯+一桶牛奶=    一杯牛奶 (Empty Cup + Bucket with Milk = Cup of Milk)
  空罐+蜂巢=      一罐蜂蜜 (Jar + Beehive = Jar with honey)
  一罐蜂蜜+一杯牛奶=  一杯蜂蜜牛奶 (Jar with honey + Cup of Milk = Honey Milk Cup)


  毒蠅傘菇+空瓶=    毒藥瓶 (Fly Agaric Mushroom + Empty Potion Flask = Poison Flask)
  佩妮班菇+空瓶=    輕微治療藥水 (Penny Bun Mushroom + Empty Potion Flask = Minor Healing Potion)
  眼球+空瓶=      輕微感知藥水 (Eye + Empty Potion Flask = Minor Perception Potion)
  爪德尼藤+空瓶=    輕微毒免藥水 (Drudenae + Empty Potion Flask = Minor Poison Resistance Potion)
  藍鰓菌菇+空瓶=    水系抵抗藥水 (Bulegill Mushroom + Empty Potion Flask = Water Resistance Potion)
  桂花耳菌+空瓶=    火系抵抗藥水 (Guepinia + Empty Potion Flask = Fire Resistance Potion)
  低語木+空瓶=     魔法盔甲藥水 (Whisperwood + Empty Potion Flask = Magical Armor Potion)
  白點紅菇+輕微治療藥水=失落藥水 (Red Mushroom with white dots + Minor Healing Potion = losing potion)
  星塵香草+輕微治療藥水=清晰藥水 (Stardust Herb + Minor Healing Potion = Reasoning Potion)
  芬妮花+輕微治療藥水= 魅力藥水 (Fanny Blossom + Minor healing potion = Charm potion)        
  法罕塊根+輕微治療藥水=威嚇藥水 (Farhangite + Minor Healing Potion = Intimidation Potion)  
  增效劑+任一藥水=   該藥水升階版 (Augmentor + Any Potion = Raises Potion Level )註:升階順序:minor → medium → Large。


  細線+針=       針線組 (Thread + Needle = Needle and thread)
  搓洗板+搓洗桶=    搓洗清潔組 (washboard + washing tub = Washing tube with a washboard)


  鐵塊+熔爐=      鋼塊 (Iron Bar + Furnace = Steel Bar)
  鐵塊+鐵塊=      大鐵塊 (Iron Bar + Iron Bar = Large Iron Bar)
  大鐵塊+熔爐=     大鋼塊 (Large Iron Bar + Furnace = Large Steel Bar)
  任一種金屬塊+砧=   金屬甲/金屬武器/箭頭 (Metal Bar of any kind + anvil = Metal armor>weapon>arrowhead)

移動式廚房類(Mobile kitchen)

  南瓜+移動式廚房=   南瓜湯 (Pumpkin + Mobile kitchen = Pumpkin soup)
  生薯條+移動式廚房=  薯條 (Cold fries + Mobile kitchen = Rivellon fries)
  馬鈴薯+移動式廚房=  煮熟的馬鈴薯 (Potato + Mobile kitchen = Boiled potato)
  生馬鈴薯片+移動式廚房=洋芋片 (Cold mashed potatoes + Mobile kitchen = Mashed potatoes)註:馬鈴薯=洋芋=土豆。


  生面團+蘋果=     蘋果派面團 (Dough + Apple = Apple Pie Dough)
  生面團+乳酪=     乳酪麵包面團 (Dough + Cheese = Cheese Bread Dough)
  生面團+生魚=     鮮魚派面團 (Dough + Fish = Fish Pie Dough)
  生面團+番茄醬=    披薩面團 (Dough + Tomato sauce = Pizza Dough)
  生面團+烤爐=     麵包 (Dough + Oven = Bread)BUG:聽說會讓遊戲死當。
  蘋果派面團+烤爐=   蘋果派 (Apple Pie Dough + Oven = Apple Pie)
  乳酪麵包面團+烤爐=  乳酪麵包 (Cheese Bread Dough + Oven = Cheese bread)
  鮮魚派面團+烤爐=   鮮魚派 (Fish Pie Dough + Oven = Cyseal Fish pie )
  披薩面團+烤爐=    披薩 (Pizza Dough + Oven = Pizza )

研缽和杵類(Mortar and pestle)

  研缽和杵+穀物=    一袋麵粉 (Mortar and pestle + Grain = Flour )
  研缽和杵+星塵香草=  精靈之塵 (Mortar and Pestle + Starfire Herb = Pouch of PixieDust )
  精靈之塵+精靈之塵=  一袋精靈之塵(Pouch of Pixie Dust + Pouch of Bone Dust = Pouch of Pixie Dust)。


  碎木片+一杯水=    木漿 (Wodden chips + Cup of Water = Mush of wood)
  木漿+熔爐=      一張紙 (Mush of wood + Furnace = Sheet of paper)
  原木+刀子=      木樁 (Log + Knife = Wooden stake)


  羽毛+刀子=      羽毛筆 (Feather + Knife = Quill)
  羽毛筆+墨水=     書寫組 (Quill + Ink pot = Ink pot and Quill)


  毛線+毛線=      繩子 (Yarn + Yarn = Rope)
  毛髮+毛髮=      細線 (Hair + Hair = Thread)
