頭髮還能這樣設計! 國外超夯「彩虹漸層」髮色 夢幻金屬光澤:是童話里的配色

你想過用髮色展現獨特的個人氣質嗎?一般做頭髮的方式有點單調,近年來「全像染髮(Holographic Hair)」席捲時尚界,它能讓頭髮展現出超有質感的金屬光澤,還有漂亮的彩虹漸層色,讓人一下子聯想到夢幻的獨角獸。

▼這個技術是髮型師Chiala Marvici首創的,她在自己的美髮沙龍店里為客人推出後,很快引發關注,並形成一股風潮。



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Alright, so the @handsonprofessional website is obviously a work in progress. We have a forum for discussion, a blog that has information on financial aid, occupational risk, local health department information, state reopening guidelines and phasing, and salon best practices for reopening. Our home page is gradually filling with stats we’ve gathered from our survey, and also has contact information so you can reach your state representatives and governor. What else does it need? We want it to be a resource center for y’all, so any and all suggestions are welcome. Also, do we need a Facebook landing page to funnel people to the forum? And holy cow do I want to be an admin to this many pages?! Is this my new job??? Anyway…let us know what you need. We are happy to try to provide as many resources as we possibly can. #handsinforhandson #matrix #matrixpartner #socolorcult #holographic #prism #prismhair #holographichair #rainbowhair @sewhairusa #beautylaunchpad #estetica #ittakesapro

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