魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11



ALL 6.50 BETA Changelogs:

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11


Beta 11:
Due to the random trees i forgot, here is a rushed beta 11. i added the immolation effect for orchid till we have something better. fixed ghost frost arrow range, fixed swapping/repicking/duplicates in -sd.
修正-SD之後的-SWAP,-REPICK -DU等口令


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

Beta 10:

-Do not use techies in games, he is still broken (unfinished recoding of land mines)不要使用哥不林,還再改
-fixed some issues with some neutral spots修正野怪點
-lowered range on NA and lion impales降低穿刺,這個技能改來改去的,總之現在該成了LION的穿刺沒有了舉手動作
-tweaked guinsoo again修改羊

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

-changed the ghost ability修改鬼的技能

-test the new game mode -sd測試-SD模式,

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

-play around with the changed items測試新物品
-keep playtesting and finding bugs 尋找BUG
-give feedback on state of neutrals in beta 10 after you try them a bit

Unaddressed Issues:
-Bottle w/rune expiring when hexed (this isn’t a new bug, its old. working on it)解決,SF到期的時候被變成小動物的BUG
-Euls movement bonus on morphing heroes (this is a new bug, i will get to it eventually, not a very high priority given since the heroes that would get it don’t usually having morphing abilities)風杖對幻像單位移動加成問題
-for some reason, -apm triggers -mute.. investingating this still, i’ll figure it out before the end of the beta cycle, but not top priority 口令-APM觸發-MUTE,還在調查這個

Beta 9:

–Play around with guinsoo/euls/orchid還在測試羊風紫杖
–Fixed various issues with impale (airtime and hitting magic immune like jugg in blade fury). Try to find other units that have magic immunity that it tosses up in the air.修正穿刺,LION不需要抬手了
–Do not use techies, his land mines are in the middle of a rewrite不要使用哥不林,他的技能還在從寫

Beta 8:
fixed various sell prices調整了物品價格
updated drow’s story per volcove’s suggestion黑弓的故事背景


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

* Reduced model size on Non-Ancient Golems減少非古樹石頭人的體積

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

buffed up murlocs a bit增強了野怪兩棲魚
fixed ravage lvl 2/3 damage毀滅2/3級的修正
fixed (again.. sigh) impales to stun!修正了穿刺的眩暈
* Improved creep pathing on top Sentinel lane修改了近衛上路小兵道路


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

* Improved base int and growth on Visage增加了40龍初始智力和智力成長

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Beta 7:
Fixed Eidolons armor修正了迷團小人護甲


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

fixed mana shield cooldown重新設置了魔法盾的CD時間
fixed guin sell price修正了羊刀價格
fixed level 2 marksmanship修正了2級別的黑弓大
* Fixed Dark Rift from using cooldown when cast incorrectly修正了黑暗之牆
fixed impale effects to work on ancients修正了穿刺對古樹單位有效果
fixed some visuals with impales改變穿刺的視覺效果
fixed the stun to start timing after the unit lands from air眩暈時間從單位落地開始計算
range on na and lion impale is always full range小強和惡魔巫師的穿刺總是全距離?
added a minimum range for the impale effect on burrow strike so if you target yourself, it still impales nearby units增加了穿刺的距離,即使點了自己也能刺到別人
fixed ravage damage重置毀滅大招,不是黑鳥哦,是潮夕的大,叫做毀滅
* Added Ring of Health to the Goblin Shop野外商店買治療指環

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

lowered quarterstaff price降低短棍價格

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

fixed bottle cooldown (it was still 8 seconds, not 5)喝口水要8秒
lowered euls cd a bit and reduced recipe降低風杖CD,卷軸降價
tweaked guin/eul/orch a little, see feedback post for complete details修改了羊,風,紫杖
* Reworked the trees/pathing near the small sentinel creep camp重新設置近衛的野怪點
did lots of tweaks and changes to neutrals重置中立怪

Beta 6:
fixed kickafk giving you options for players that aren’t afk踢人命令將給玩家選擇 不踢
fixed a pathing issue with the trees near the new ramp修改了坡地附近的樹
* Reduced cooldown on high level Shapeshift減少高等級狼人變身的CD時間


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

kickafk properly shares control on kick now踢人之後能夠共享單位?
increased quilbeast hp by 100增加獸王豬的HP100,圖在上邊
undid marksmanship change, kept the agi gain nerf取消削弱黑暗游俠大招,依然削弱其敏捷成長
adjusted leap cd change from last version改變月女的跳躍CD?
fixed apm command (it was actions per second before i think)重新設置了APM口令
undid potm base damage change change取消了減少月女基礎傷害減少
fixed morph courier hotkey改變了信使變形的快捷鍵
removed guinsoo recipe移除了羊刀卷軸
* Reduced Gravechill manacost and cooldown a little
* Recoded impale based effects completely, fixing various ramp bugs, stacking issues and lots of rare problems. (Burrowstrike, Impale (Lion), Impale (Nerubian Assassin), Ravage)重新編寫了穿刺的代碼,修正了幾種罕見問題
* Removed manacost on Mana Shield減少魔法盾的魔耗
* Added Javelin to the Goblin Shops野外商店能買到標槍
* Added Quarterstaff to the Goblin Shops野外商店能買到短棍
* Increased Perseverance damage from 7 to 10(增加堅韌球傷害7到10)

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

reduced tornado damage on buildings(減少颶風野怪對建築的傷害)

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NOTE: I will address the neutrals in a more meaningful way next version. Please give feedback on them.

Beta 5:
changed the removal of bottle sell cost to a small one (mainly cause of a problem i was having with it not displaying manacost)將用極低的價格買瓶子,看圖賣瓶子前後

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

* Changed Leap cooldown to scale with levels月女的跳躍隨着級別開始改變了
* Lowered Mirana’s base damage a little降低月女初始攻擊力!
added magic resistance to quilbeast (75%)野豬有75%的魔法抵抗!OMG這是4級豬的狀態

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

tried to fix the shukuchi issue with dealing damage twice again試圖修正縮地將能攻擊兩次?
fixed ogres autocasting休整野怪藍胖自動施放
* Changed the pathing around the one of the neutral camp areas on the Scourge Side
returned damage amplification to orchid and changed from 4.5 to 5 duration增加紫怨的傷害,增加沉默持續時間由4.5到5
reduced cooldown and increased range on guinsoo減少羊刀的CD時間
* Increased Chainfrost bounce by 1巫妖的大招將多反彈一次

* Fixed a bug introduced in the recent scepter changes on Crystal Maiden修正了水晶室女的一個BUG
* Improved armor on Enigma’s Eidolons增加了謎團召喚物的護甲
* Removed the stack restriction on Shiva’s Guard移去了希娃守護20秒內只能傷害一次的限制



魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

* Improved Juggernaut’s movement speed增加了劍聖移動速度,到305

魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

* Implemented a better silencing mechanism in the Black Hole area黑洞將用更好的機制沉默目標

reduced drow’s ultimate a little減少黑暗游俠的大招一點點,(又改回去了)
* Lowered Drow’s Agility gain per level降低了黑暗游俠的敏捷成長,圖在上面
* Added a new command -apm to reveal your actions per minute增加了-APM口令來看自己的APM


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

-afkinfo and -kickafk now work properly修正了-afkinfo 和-kickafk
fixed -neutrals test spawn command重置-neutrals 來測試野怪刷新命令?
lowered guinsoo recipe cost降低了羊刀卷軸價格
* Couriers can now disassemble items (161180)信使可以拆物品了


魔獸爭霸《DotA系列》dota 650 beta11

* Added text descriptions for powerups (68307)增加升級提示

NOTE: Do not use any heroes with impales (most importantly, lion). I am in the middle of recoding all impale based effects for less glitches and less conflicts (so it will fix burrowstrike problems as well).

